Thursday, April 24, 2014

One last procedure...

Got an orthodontic acceleration on Wednesday.

Pretty easy as these things go and certainly nothing like what I already had. Which is not to say it's pretty; my upper jaw is a bit of a mess right now, with the area over it visibly swollen and stitches sticking out between my upper front teeth. Also still bleeding a bit, even 36 hours later.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

9-month Update

Hello, folks...

Long time no post. Sorry about that. There were several junctures I mean to at, but in a nutshell, my recovery is just about complete. I had the bookend procedure today; the one that removes the surgical plates. It was done in Dr. Jelic's office under IV anesthesia, but not general--I ended up drifting in and out the entire two-hour plus procedure.

So now, temporarily, I'm back to where I was--as in, back on the puree diet I was on for seven weeks after the initial procedure. This time, however, it will only last 7-10 days, then an equal amount of time on soft foods afterwards is my understanding. I can take it. It's nothing compared to what I've already been through.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Five-month update

Sorry for not updating this sooner. It's been five and a half months since surgery now, and recovery continues apace.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Three months plus

Well, my post-op recovery period is over. Fourteen weeks elapsed and I am now, in the words of Dr. Jelic, just a regular orthodontic patient. In some ways it took forever, in others it feels like the time has just flown by. Seems like just yesterday that I was being wheeled in to surgery... okay, I don't actually remember being wheeled in; in fact I don't remember anything after the 'happy juice' went in while I was waiting in pre-op, but you get what I mean.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I've been cheating...

I admit it. At my last appointment, I was told to wait at least another two weeks before chewing but I haven't really been able to help myself. I feel ready and able to chew again, and the temptation of solid foods again is just too much.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Eleven weeks...

It had been my great hope that this would be the week I would be given clearance to start eating for real again--i.e., chewing. It was not to be. Dr. Jelic wants me to hold off at least another two weeks pending an orthdontic adjustment. My front teeth apparently need to brought out a bit to allow my upper jaw to settle properly on my lower. Right now, they're preventing my jaw from meshing; my back teeth are mostly out of contact with each other.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Two months on...

Had another post-op appointment on Wednesday, two months and two days after surgery. They now come only every other week instead of weekly.

The news continues to be good... he said my crossbite is correcting nicely (thanks to the 'in-to-out' rubber bands I have to keep on 24/7), and much to my surprise and delight, said he'll clear me for a regular diet in just three weeks instead of the five more I thought I'd have to wait. Basically, the bulk of my recovery is completed in twelve weeks instead of the projected fourteen. I'll take it.